Episode 1: Enter Flamedramon This episode starts about 5-6 years after the Digidestined retured home. TK and Kari are in 7th grade, Matt is becoming a rock star, Mimi's in New York, NY, Joe is still studying to be a doctor, and Tai and Izzy are in high school. TK walks to school with Yolei and Cody. Wallace is not in this episode. TK meets up with Kari, and Davis (the featured character) is a bit jealous of TK. Davis has a thing for Kari and thinks TK is butting in (Davis doesn't know about the Digiworld) Tai gets downloaded to the Digiworld and tries to help Agumon Digivolve (The line "It's just like riding a bike, now get pedaling and Digivolve" reverts back to the Piximon episode where Tai sees himself riding a bike and has to help himself to never give up). Izzy and the other Digidestined get an e-mail from Tai telling them to come to the Digiworld immediatly. The newbies freak, except for Yolei, who thinks it's a new shopping mall (Mimi's counterpart?). Davis, TK and Kari transport to the Digiworld (Little hint from "Togemon in Toy Town": The Numemon are still in the fake vending machines. Davis uses one. OOPS!) After the three meet up with Tai, they find out about a dark digivice. The original Digidestined's Digimon can't Digivolve because of this Digivice (too many "Digi" words in this sentence!!!). Poor Izzy is questioned by Yolei about the disaperance of the three and why she got a Digivice. It seems that the new Digivices have new powers to fight the Dark Digivice. (Davis is totally freaked by now, From TK and Kari talking to the Digimon, to a unexpected Monochromon attack.) Davis uses the DigiEgg of courage, and the egg hatches into Veemon. He Armor Digivolves and takes some power from Agumon. Veemon Digivolves into Flamedramon and destroys a black ring around Monochromon. It seems these black rings are the counterpart of the black gears sent by Devimon, and are used to turn good Digimon into slaves. It also seems that this Digimon Emporer as he calls himself, is a dictator (Lets kill him!). That pretty much raps up one episode. Next summary comming soon! Episode 5:(Don't know the name) Gomamon is the main character in this one because he starts the show in the beginning by picking a fight with the Digimon Emporer. Gomamon is beaten to a lying piece of meat. Joe to the rescue! He transports to the DigiWorld and he meets up with the new DigiDestined. After they find the control spire (spyer, sphier, spiyir, etc.) they are chased away by about 15 Frigimon. They build a sled and go for the spire. The Frigimon create an avalanche and the Digimon pulling the sled turn to avoid it. Cody goes flying into the water and the others take him to a cave. Joe stays with Cody and the others go to destroy the spire. Meanwhile, Joe and Cody are attacked by Shellmon and Ebidramon(?). Gomamon again gets beaten but Digmon puts up a fight. The spire is destroyed, Gomamon Digivolves, and the Emporer runs (the coward)! "The Good, The Bad, and the Digi" Wow, What a clever title! After Biyoumon gets badly injured running from the Emporer, Sora, Yolei, Davis and Cody go to the Digiworld to rescue her. They get greeted by a "law and order Digimon" named Starmon(I don't know how they come up with the names). Starmon has a dark ring and puts them all in jail. Depudymon comes in and frees them...THE GIRLS! Then came the funniest line in the episode: Sora: Know any ways of cheating at Old Maid? Yolei: Follow me! Depudymon gets beaten, but Veemon Digivolves into Flamedramon and "fires" Starmon.
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