Tai-Adventurous leader of the group. He is usually the one to get into danger, but does have some compassion when dealing with friendships and members of the team. Digimon Partner-Koromon, Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, WarGreymon Matt-Rebellious and "too cool".He doesn't listen to other people, but wants people to accept his ideas and his only (kinda like my older brother). The only sensitive side of him is when he thinks about his brother, TK. Digimon Partner-Tsunomon, Gabumon, Garurumon, WereGarurumon, MetalGarurumon. Izzy-The "great mind" of the group. He's the one with all the plans of action. He has a theory about anything and everything! Though he tends to forget everything thats happening around him. Digimon Partner-Motimon, Tentomon, Kabuterimon, MegaKabuterimon, HerculesKabuterimon. Sora-The very compasionate and protective member of the team. She wants to protect the group, like Tai, but gets irritated with Tai's bogus solutions to the problem facing them. Digimon Partner-Yocomon, Biyumon, Birdramon, Garudamon, ??? Joe-A hypochodriac with a theory that if something bad can happen, it will. He sometimes is the voice of reason and usually is right about the dangers of things. Digimon Partner-Bukamon, Gomamon, Ikkakumon, Zudomon, ??? Mimi-Very stuck up. She has a thing for pink and likes being waited on hand and foot. This is very peculiar because she has a heart of gold. Digimon Partner-Tanemon, Palmon, Togemon, Lillymon, ??? TK-Sweet and good-natured member of the group. He wants everyone to think he is brave, when really he is scared stiff. He is my favorite character because he is like me in many ways. Digimon Partner-Tokomon, Patamon, Angemon, MagnaAngemon (big cheer!!!), ??? Kari-Youngest member of the group, Kari is very itelligent for her age. She is the voice of reason and usually helps the group out of tough spots. Digimon Partner-Nyarumon, Salamon, Gatomon, Angewomon, ??? Davis-A Tai look alike. He's the leader of the new group and Tai gives him his goggles. He's got a crush on Kari. Digimon Partner-???, Veemon, ???, ???, ???, Flamedramon Cody- Digimon Partner-???, Armadillomon, ???, ???, ???, Digmon Wallace-Looks like TK with blond hair and a bit taller. May be the youngest Digimon Partner-???, Gumimon, ???, ???, ??? Yolei-Looks like Sora with purple hair and glasses. Digimon Partner-???, Hawkmon, ???, ???, ??? TK and Kari are older now and part of the new team.
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